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Training interface reference#

The training API is still experimental, and is subject to change.

Cog's training API allows you to define a fine-tuning interface for an existing Cog model, so users of the model can bring their own training data to create derivative fune-tuned models. Real-world examples of this API in use include fine-tuning SDXL with images or fine-tuning Llama 2 with structured text.

How it works#

If you've used Cog before, you've probably seen the Predictor class, which defines the interface for creating predictions against your model. Cog's training API works similarly: You define a Python function that describes the inputs and outputs of the training process. The inputs are things like training data, epochs, batch size, seed, etc. The output is typically a file with the fine-tuned weights.


  python_version: "3.10"
train: ""

from cog import BasePredictor, File
import io

def train(param: str) -> File:
    return io.StringIO("hello " + param)

Then you can run it like this:

$ cog train -i param=train

$ cat weights
hello train


Use Cog's Input() function to define each of the parameters in your train() function:

from cog import Input, Path

def train(
    train_data: Path = Input(description="HTTPS URL of a file containing training data"),
    learning_rate: float = Input(description="learning rate, for learning!", default=1e-4, ge=0),
    seed: int = Input(description="random seed to use for training", default=None)
) -> str:
  return "hello, weights"

The Input() function takes these keyword arguments:

  • description: A description of what to pass to this input for users of the model.
  • default: A default value to set the input to. If this argument is not passed, the input is required. If it is explicitly set to None, the input is optional.
  • ge: For int or float types, the value must be greater than or equal to this number.
  • le: For int or float types, the value must be less than or equal to this number.
  • min_length: For str types, the minimum length of the string.
  • max_length: For str types, the maximum length of the string.
  • regex: For str types, the string must match this regular expression.
  • choices: For str or int types, a list of possible values for this input.

Each parameter of the train() function must be annotated with a type like str, int, float, bool, etc. See Input and output types for the full list of supported types.

Using the Input function provides better documentation and validation constraints to the users of your model, but it is not strictly required. You can also specify default values for your parameters using plain Python, or omit default assignment entirely:

def predict(self,
  training_data: str = "foo bar", # this is valid
  iterations: int                 # also valid
) -> str:
  # ...

Training Output#

Training output is typically a binary weights file. To return a custom output object or a complex object with multiple values, define a TrainingOutput object with multiple fields to return from your train() function, and specify it as the return type for the train function using Python's -> return type annotation:

from cog import BaseModel, Input, Path

class TrainingOutput(BaseModel):
    weights: Path

def train(
    train_data: Path = Input(description="HTTPS URL of a file containing training data"),
    learning_rate: float = Input(description="learning rate, for learning!", default=1e-4, ge=0),
    seed: int = Input(description="random seed to use for training", default=42)
) -> TrainingOutput:
  weights_file = generate_weights("...")
  return TrainingOutput(weights=Path(weights_file))


If you are doing development of a Cog model like Llama or SDXL, you can test that the fine-tuned code path works before pushing by specifying a COG_WEIGHTS environment variable when running predict:

cog predict -e COG_WEIGHTS= -i prompt="a photo of TOK"